Sunday, April 3, 2011

"ch ch ch ch changes"

"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."  ~Victor Frankl 

Greetings everyone!

I hope this quote has got you thinking, perhaps about the most recent change you've seen in yourself or even a change in your situation: family, friends, significant other, work, location, recent news, an important decision, or maybe it was that David Bowie song from the early 70's...etc..  Now I challenge you to think about how it will affect you now, in ten days, ten weeks, ten months and ten years.  Or if you're thinking about something from a long time ago, contemplate how it affected you in that moment, ten days after, ten weeks, ten months, ten years and finally how it affects you today.

The reason I bring this all up is because my most recent situational change happened this past Thursday when I moved in to a new flat with a friend.  The reason I decided to leave my previous flat was because my roommate's wine production class had finished and he moved back to Murcia capital to live with his girlfriend and I quickly realized that it wouldn't be economically optimal to live there alone, especially on my salary.  So i packed up my things and headed out for a new adventure living with a very social friend in the center of Jumilla. 

I know this will evoke changes in me which is why I'm so excited about the change.  I've come to appreciate change more and more as I add more years to my saga.  It could be because I simply like variety or maybe it's because I enjoy challenging myself and other people, of course; or maybe it's because I know all situational changes bring out changes in ourselves...or maybe I think too much sometimes.

One more thing.  I've decided to renew the grant to teach again next year and I had an incredibly difficult time deciding if I'd like to stay here in Jumilla for another year or move to another one of Spain's seventeen autonomous communities.  I finally decided I'd like to lace up the boots and move westward to the Region of Andalucía.  I was able to choose the region but not the city, so like many others I am anxiously awaiting to find out where I will be teaching for the upcoming schoolyear!

Let's see what tomorrow has in store for us!


  1. Great to see you updating! Mucha suerte with your new piso!

  2. Muchas gracias Liz! I think it's time I start updating weekly. You and Matt both help to keep me inspired. Hope to see you soon and keep up the good work!

  3. Ya verás como todo te va a salir muy bien y con ani te vas a llevar muy bien. En cuanto llegue de Senegal vamos a visitar muchos sitios jejejje.
    ¡Un saludo bro!
