I feel like I say this everytime I write, and everytime it's true...it's been a long time since my last post, three months give or take.
"What in the world have you been doing?!" Well to answer that question in its entirety would require me to contract Bob Saget to narrate like in How I Met Your Mother, and let's face it, who has that kind of money anyway. For now, I'll stick to describing a few details about the past three months and leave the rest to your imagination. Let's start with today and I'll take you back in time from there.
The Jumilla Fair is taking place right now, as August is a typical vacation period for most Spaniards so there are many "fiestas" going on all around Spain. The past week I've helped out doing random tasks setting up my friends' "chiringuito" named Gotham, referring to Gotham City. It is a unique outdoor bar with a tent over the bar and the rest of the area enclosed by plywood painted in an original manner.

While helping out with the set-up my friends mentioned that they needed someone to watch over the bar during the days of the fair, well you know my response so let's get to the point. Typical schedule has been 830am to 530pm although the other day they were still going at it strong until quarter past 11am! Perhaps the strangest thing I've done to keep myself busy was that of a chinese food experience. Yesterday I'd ordered for delivery to the chiringuito and everything was fine, made sure they knew where I was and they said it would be ten minutes. Forty minutes later I called them again and they thought I was going to pick up the food, anyway finally got the food a little bit later, no big deal. But wait, there's no eating utensils! "Alright let's see what we have here at the bar...okay a knife, could use that to cut the spring roll. Do you have any silverware?" I asked our chiringuito neighbor. I think you can guess what her answer was and it turns out that was the first (and hopefully last) time I used a shot glass to eat chinese food!
Overall August has been a pretty tranquil month for me. It began slowly with teaching two conversation classes the first week and four the following week, one hour apiece. Plenty of time for relaxation, bass playing, and hiking! You know, how a summer should be! Other exciting news, I was able to renew my paperwork to make sure everything is legitimate and also to make it a bit easier on, and cheaper for, myself by not having to process a new visa while in the States. The rest of the fair should be quite fun and a great way to complete my stay here in Jumilla. I can't believe how fast everything has gone! Let's chat about June and July another day, until then, enjoy your summer!