Hola a todos,
You're probably wondering what the story is behind this blog title. First, let's start with the literal translation, as most of you know it reads "Pure Life in Spain". But what does this mean? With all of your creative, imaginary minds I'm positive you've all come up with your own vision and definition of "pure life" and I won't contaminate those with thoughts of my own.
Why "pura vida"? The reason I chose this phrase is because it is very common in Costa Rica, where I lived and studied for four months in the Spring of 2008. Costa Rica is where I became passionate about speaking Castillian (Spanish) and learning about different cultures. It is also where I became a costa rican (costaricense), or tico for short and learned the meaning of "pura vida". I have to thank my host family for that, as they were amazing hosts and welcomed me into their lives and home. I view that experience as an "awakening" of who I am as a person and what I want out of life. Therefore as I begin a new adventure here in Spain, where I will learn all about myself, other people and life, I thought it was fitting to tie "pura vida" into this experience, as it is a continuation on the road of life.
I arrived in Spain yesterday, the 27th of September, and stayed up till about 10pm local time so I could adjust to the time change easiest.
Well, it's a beautiful day in Madrid and I have some exploring to do! :)